Well hey there I'm back
So last weekend I went to go shopping in the one of the most interesting cities that there are. I love the vibe that seems to float around every streetcorner down the tube stations and incredible buildings that tell magical storys if you just listen closely. If you just hold on for a second you can really feel how much this city has to tell and to give.
Without further ado here are my shopping finds from that weekend and some pictures I took along the way.
I am very pleased with all the things that I got allthough I still had to leave some amazing pieces behind.
Hannah and I spent almost the whole day on oxford street and then took a small trip to westfield shopping centre.
german part
Letzes Wochenende war ich also in London shoppen. Einer der faszinierensten Städte die es gibt in meinen Augen. Ich liebe einfach diese magische Atmosphäre die hinter jeder Straßenecke nur darauf wartet seine Besucher zu verzaubern.Wenn man nur einen Moment inne hält kann man schon fast fühlen, wie viel Geschichten diese Stadt einem erzählen kann.Ich hab wirklich schöne Sachen gefunden muss ich sagen musste, jedoch auch ein paar zurücklassen.
Hannah und ich haben fast den ganzen Tag auf der Oxfordstreet verbracht mit einem anschließenden Abstecher zum Westfield shopping centre.
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Bag: Newlook | Mug: Disney store | Leather jacket: Miss selfridge Leggings: Primark |
Of course it rained the entire time through our trip because it wouldnt be london without it.
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Necklace: Newlook | Earstuds: Accessoirize | Real techniques Brushes ( stippling and blush brush): Boots |
and to spice this up a bit <3